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Csu Wahlprogramm Kurzfassung 2024

CDU and CSU Present Joint Manifesto for the 2024 European Elections

Navigating Europe's Path Towards Security and Strength

A Brief Summary of the CDU and CSU's Vision

In a joint declaration, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) have unveiled their election manifesto for the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections. With the slogan "Leading Europe Towards New Security and Strength," the manifesto outlines their shared vision for the future of the European Union.

At the heart of their manifesto lies a commitment to strengthening European security and defense. The parties propose establishing a genuine European defense union, complete with joint armament projects and a unified command structure. They also emphasize the importance of protecting the EU's external borders and combating illegal immigration.

Economic recovery and prosperity are also key priorities for the CDU and CSU. They advocate for a strong internal market, fair competition, and support for small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, they aim to address social inequalities and promote equal opportunities for all Europeans.

On the environmental front, the manifesto calls for a balanced approach that promotes sustainable growth while protecting the planet. The parties believe in investing in renewable energy, green technologies, and a circular economy to create a cleaner and more sustainable Europe.

The CDU and CSU emphasize the importance of democratic values and the rule of law. They propose strengthening the EU's democratic institutions to ensure transparency and accountability, and they support measures to combat corruption and organized crime.

With the upcoming European elections looming, the CDU and CSU's joint manifesto serves as a blueprint for their aspirations for the future of the European Union. By outlining their vision for a more secure, prosperous, and sustainable Europe, they hope to rally voter support and shape the direction of the EU for years to come.
